Hello and welcome to the Honley High School Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) for students with Complex Communication and Interaction needs (CCI).
Our Resourced Provision for students with Complex Communication and Interaction needs is a 20-place provision for students who need additional support to address their needs. We have been supporting students since 2013 are proud to be an integral part of Honley High School.
Kirklees SENDACT allocates places in our provision via the annual review process. All our students have Complex Communication and Interaction (CCI) Needs, and all have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If you are interested in a provision place, please arrange a visit and speak to your primary school SENDCo to express your preference in the Year 5 or Year 6 annual review.
We currently have one Teacher-in-Charge, two part-time Specialist Teachers and fifteen Educational Teaching Assistants (ETAs). We are very proud to have a wonderful team of friendly, experienced and professional staff who can bring the best out of the students. Several staff members have children with autism and understand the journey many parents take to best support and care for their children.
Students attend the majority of their lessons in the mainstream school, sometimes with support from specialist staff from the provision. Most students attend form time with their peers, although some have additional intervention programmes, such as dyspraxia movement groups or additional literacy/numeracy sessions.
We aim to support our students to understand themselves and to be able to develop strategies to support them in achieving their best in school and to equip them for their life after school.
Where appropriate, our students participate in bespoke lessons (often instead of Spanish, Citizenship or RE) around social skills, life skills and emotional regulation. You can read more about these on our Curriculum page.
We are also here to support families. We work closely with parents and carers to achieve a consistent and beneficial relationship to nurture and support our students effectively. We run our parents’ support group, 'Honley Autism Provision Parents’ Support’ (HAPPS).
Each provision student has their own key worker – either a teaching assistant or teacher in provision – who is in close contact with their family/carers and will support them closely at school. This person will not work with the student in every lesson, every day, as we try to support the students to get used to working with a range of people whilst developing their own independence and self-management skills. However, they will be the key point of contact and will ideally stay with the student as they move through school from Year 7 to Year 11.
Training is given to every member of staff, teacher trainees and the students in the main school. We have very close links with our mainstream teachers to ensure that each of our students’ needs are understood and catered for. Students in our main school receive training on autism and have the opportunity to join our Autism Ambassadors group and receive training to befriend and support our provision students, particularly with their social skill development.
Please do get in touch with us if you have any questions. My email address is, or you can contact me by phone at 01484 506484 ext 7246. I am often away from my desk working with students, and email is the best method to contact me.