When starting Honley High School, all students are assessed so that those with additional learning needs, including SEMH, can be supported in school using a variety of methods.
We offer wide ranging interventions such as in-class support, small group literacy and numeracy interventions, motor skills, self-esteem and social skills to name but a few.
We are an inclusive school and Mrs Bardell, SENDCo, Mrs Holmes, Assistant to SENDCo, Mrs Thorpe, Bridge Manager and Ms Butler, Inclusion Officer, work closely with our Teaching Staff, Learning Support, Inclusion and Pastoral Teams to ensure that we use a range of strategies with students to enable them to reach their full potential and become active and successful members of the school and wider community.
You can find out more about our SEND Policy, Equality Objectives and Accessibility Plan and the Kirklees Local Offer by clicking on the buttons below.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our SEND team and they will be happy to help.
Mrs Sonica Bardell, SENDCO - s.bardell@honley.tlt.school
Mrs Thorpe, Bridge Manager - k.thorpe@honley.tlt.school
Telephone: 01484 506484