We are proud of our school and expect all students to wear the Honley uniform as it:
Instills pride in our identity
Supports positive behaviour, good discipline and etiquette
Encourages identity with and support for our school values
Ensures students from all cultures and backgrounds feel welcome
Protects children from social pressures to dress in a particular way
Nurtures cohesion and promotes good relations between different groups of students
Supports effective learning, teaching and safeguarding
All students are expected to wear our school uniform and the allocated year group tie throughout their time at Honley High School.
As with lesson equipment, having the correct uniform every day is essential. We insist on high dress standards and will not accept any refusal to comply with our uniform expectations.
Honley High School retains the right to confiscate and retain any items not compliant with the school dress code. Students are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times, including on the way to and from school.
Should a student not wear the correct uniform, it may be possible to borrow a replacement item from school stock (if available).
We are a successful school in all areas of school life because we insist on the highest standards. This applies very much to appearance, and we are grateful for the support of our parents and carers on this issue.
Uniform and Dress Code
Honley students look smart and feel ready to learn. Students are expected to be proud of their uniform and make sure they have the correct items and a high standard of personal appearance at all times.
Blazer: forest green Honley High School blazer with embroidered Honley Crest on the chest pocket. Blazers are to be worn at all times unless permission is given not to do so
Tie: Honley High School Year tie (specific to the year group) - must be clipped on and attached to the shirt collar at all times
Shirt: plain white long or short sleeve formal shirt - must be tucked in and all buttons fastened
Skirt: plain, knee length, mid-grey, formal tailored school skirt. Skirts must be knee length or below the knee. Jersey or other stretch material tube skirts, skater skirts and mini-skirts are not permitted. They must not have studs, ties, zips or other embellishments
Trousers: plain, mid-grey, formal tailored school trousers. All trousers must be in traditional school trouser material. No other styles are appropriate, including jeans style, denim, tightly fitted, leggings, very wide leg, cropped or rolled up. They must not have studs, ties, zips or other embellishments
Socks/tights: plain black or dark grey socks/ tights
School shoes: plain black, formal, polishable school shoes with a closed-toe and low heels (30mm or less). No branded footwear. They must not cover the ankles, imitate trainers, or be a sports style (such as Converse or Vans), and there must be no visible logos or embellishments, such as large buckles. If in doubt, please contact school, and we will be happy to advise
School bag: must be able to hold an A4 folder and all books and equipment required for the school day. Fashion accessories are not permitted
Coat: a coat suitable for the Yorkshire weather! Must be plain (any colour) and front fastening with no visible logo. These must be taken off when students enter the building
Hair: colour and style must be smart and tidy, appropriate for school. No unnatural hair colouring or extremes in styling or length (not cut to less than a grade 3)
Jumper: plain, mid-grey v-neck jumper (no logo)
Belt: plain, black formal belt worn around the waist. No studs, rivets or embellished buckles
Headscarves may be worn for religious observance but must be plain black or white, unadorned, secured with a safety pin, and the top knot of the tie must be visible
Please make sure that all belongings are clearly labelled.
Honley High School reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate uniform.
PE Kit - all students
Polo top: red with school logo
Shorts/skort: plain black - no logos
Socks: *black knee length socks
Trainers: any colour with adequate grip and support (not plimsolls)
Recommended / optional items
*Zip top: black zip top with school logo
Leggings or tracksuit bottoms: plain black sports leggings or tracksuit bottoms with school logo
Football boots
Shin pads
Gum shield
*New items for 2023. If your child already has red socks or a hoodie, please don’t worry these will be acceptable.
Should a student forget their PE kit, we have plenty of clean kit they may borrow to ensure they don’t miss out on their lesson.
Year Group Ties 2024 - 2025
Each year group has a specific tie which they keep as they move through school; you do not need a new one each year.
Students are expected to wear their tie upon arrival until the end of the school day. Uniform is checked as students arrive at school. We understand there may be the odd occasion when a student forgets or misplaces their tie and we have a supply of spare ties to ensure they are dressed appropriately.
If your child needs a replacement tie, you can buy one directly from the school via ParentPay for £5.95, and your child can collect it from Student Services the following day. Alternatively, new ties may be purchased from one of our approved uniform suppliers: Term Time Wear, Natasha School Wear, or Bridge School Wear.
Jewellery, Hair And Make-up
Students are not permitted to wear any jewellery other than a wristwatch (not a smartwatch).
Only senior school students in Years 10 and 11 may wear make-up. This must be discrete and involve only a natural palette of pale pink, cream or brown.
False eyelashes, nail polish and nail extensions are not permitted. Any student found wearing false eyelashes, nail polish, nail extensions, unacceptable make-up or any jewellery will be expected to remove them immediately.
Where to buy school uniform
Our school uniform is available to buy from the following local suppliers:
In addition to these outlets, shirts, trousers and skirts can be purchased from Marks and Spencer and most large supermarkets. Please be aware that some retailers may advertise items as “school shoes” or “school uniform.” This does not mean that they meet our uniform requirements at Honley. If you are unsure, please contact us before you make a purchase.
If you are looking for a specific waist size/length in junior and senior skirts, The School Shop has a good selection: www.theschoolshopuk.co.uk
Uniform Exchange aims to encourage the people of Kirklees to recycle and donate old school uniform items rather than put them in the bin. These are then available to bridge the gap to help families send their children to school in the correct uniform.
Honley High School is a collection point for Uniform Exchange, and we actively encourage families to donate unwanted uniforms to be recycled and put to good use.
Please contact Uniform Exchange directly if you require assistance with your child’s uniform.
Before everything else, preparation is key to success. To ensure students get every day off to a good start, we recommend they pack their bags the evening before to make sure they have everything they need for the following day.
School student planner - students will be given this at the start of the school year along with their timetable
Reading book
Writing pen (black or blue)
Marking/editing/re-drafting pen (red)
Set of highlighters
Pencil (HB)
Pencil sharpener
Glue stick
Ruler (30cm)
Pencil case
Scientific calculator (Casio fx-83GT CW)
180° protractor
Pair of compasses
Students need to check their timetable daily and bring the right books and kit for each lesson, and remember their homework.
Students will also need a bag large enough to carry an A4 folder, books, equipment, and sports kit. Most use a rucksack or shoulder bag. All uniforms and equipment should be clearly marked. If the planner is lost or defaced, a replacement must be purchased at a cost of £3.
These items should never be seen or heard in school:
Mobile phones
Valuables - students are asked not to bring expensive items or large sums of money to school
Game devices, smart watches, speakers, personal entertainment equipment etc
Correction fluid e.g. Tippex
If a student brings any of the above items onto the school site and is seen or heard using them, the item will be confiscated and stored securely until a parent or carer can collect it. Please see our Behaviour Policy for further details on prohibited items.
Students are responsible for any items they bring into school.
Lost Property
Student Services can help with any lost property queries. Students may visit Student Services before or after school, during social times or during Form Time. Sometimes it can take a day or two for an item to turn up and we recommend students retrace their steps to see if they’ve left their belongings in an earlier lesson and check back at Student Services a few days later.
First Bus can help with any items left on one of the school buses. Go to https://www.firstbus.co.uk/help-support/top-help-topics/lost-property. It may take a couple of days for an item to be logged. If the item is labelled, First Bus will contact school.
Make sure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name. This will really improve their chances of getting it back. We end up with many unclaimed items each term and only keep items for two weeks. After this time, they are give to Uniform Exchange or local charity shops.