The countdown is on to your first day at Honley! Are you as excited as we are?
I'm Miss MacLarty, KS2-3 Transition Lead at Honley - some of your children may have already met me, when I visited primary schools in September, or at our Open Evening.
I know you'll be full of questions and apprehension about your child coming to high school in September - but please try not to worry. We have an absolutely fantastic, committed pastoral team and will take excellent care of all of our students as they transition up to high school and for all of their time here.
We'll be in touch with you over the next few months, and will keep adding useful information to this page to help support your child and ensure this crucial step is a positive one. Mrs Bardell, our SENDCo, and Mrs Thompson, our Teacher in Charge of our Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP), may also be in touch separately if needed.
Best wishes, and we look forward to you and your child joining our community.
Miss MacLarty
Free School Meals - Are You Eligible?
If you are eligible, even if you don’t wish your child to have school dinners, it’s worth registering as school gets funding to support your child, which helps with things like trips and equipment.
Check if you are eligible and apply here: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/schools/free-school-meals.aspx
Please note, you may need to reapply even if you have previously received funding.
Contact free school meals
01484 221000
BBC Bitesize’s Starting Secondary School is aimed at helping 10 to 12 year olds (and their parents) make the transition from primary to secondary school.
There are lots of tips, advice, videos and games to support students and answer any worries they might have. Plus there is plenty of of advice for parents too.
Young Minds is a leading mental health organisation; supporting and empowering young people to make sure they get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s difficulties.
They have teamed up with Beano to produce several helpful videos to help teach children about how to cope with change, a skill that will not only help with the move to secondary school but will also prepare them for many other changes and challenges they will face in life.