Homework (home learning) is an essential part of a successful education and helps support students’ ability to learn in a variety of contexts.
Homework not only reinforces classroom learning but also helps students to develop the skills and attitudes they need for successful lifelong learning and promotes independent learning skills, including the habits of inquiry and investigation.
Naturally, parents and carers have a role to play in this too. Parents and carers can help to ensure that work can be completed at home by providing the right distraction-free environment for their children. The more interest adults show in the work that their children do, the more motivated they will be.
We have streamlined homework so that the majority of activities are set on a platform called 'Seneca'.
Subjects that use Seneca include English, Science, History, Geography, Religious Studies, ICT, and some Design and Technology subjects.
As they are more appropriate, Maths use the Sparx Maths platform, Spanish uses the LanguageNut platform, and GCSE Pod for KS4 English.
Most practical subjects will set project or creative/hands-on homework, however Seneca may still be used for KS4 theory work.
Homework Help
If a student is struggling to complete their homework, they must inform their class teacher so that some support can be put in place - we are here to help.
Computers and other resources are available at lunchtime in the Library and after school in our Homework Support sessions in the Library until 4.00pm Monday to Friday.
Please inform your child’s Form Tutor if they are unable to access a laptop, digital tablet or PC at home.
Online Learning & Revision
Independent study is a vital skill and ensures students fully understand their subjects.
Our Heads of Department have filtered out the best supporting websites, so you don’t need to go looking.
Find out more here.
Daily Reading
We also encourage students to read for pleasure and expect all students to read a book for around 20 minutes per day.
We have a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books in our school library and e-library. Our Librarian, Mrs Ackroyd is always happy to help students who might be stuck looking for something to read.
Find out more here