In this section, you will be able to access information regarding all aspects of our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).
CEIAG forms an integral part of student life at Honley High School. We encourage all our students to develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. We use contacts with the world of work and further education to help them understand where different choices can take them in the future.
The majority of our career guidance is delivered through our Form Time lessons and assemblies that run throughout the year, although our programme also includes out of school visits and evening events.
At Honley High School, we aim to provide all students with an education that enables them to:
Achieve their best
Become confident, resilient individuals living fulfilling lives
Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training
It is our duty to make it possible for our students to engage proactively in decisions about their education pathways and their journey to a career, in a rapidly changing world.
To ensure that all students have equal access to independent careers guidance, presented in an impartial manner
To help every student develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers
To inspire every student through real-life contact with the world of work in order for them to understand where different choices can take them in the future
To provide information on the range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways
To promote the best interests of every learner
Key School Personnel
All staff contribute to the CEIAG programme through their roles as Form Tutors and subject teachers. Teachers of iGEN have specialist knowledge and experience to deliver CEIAG content through their schemes of work. Additionally, group and individual work sessions are delivered and led by careers and apprenticeship advisers, with Form Tutors or other school staff in support where appropriate. There are regular links with identified personnel to ensure individual needs are met.
Overall responsibility is given to Mrs Liz Roby, Assistant Headteacher - Personal Development.
Mrs Amy Hesselgrove is our school Careers Adviser from C&K Careers. Working with students in Years 7 to 11, Mrs Hesselgrove provides career-related and impartial information, specialist advice, and guidance. She also helps with career planning and signposts students to a range of support services for young people. In school, she mainly works with Year 10 and 11 students, helping to make sure they are aware of all their post-16 options and supporting them with their career plans.
You can find out how to contact Mrs Hesselgrove and more about her role here.
For further details of our CEIAG provision, please refer to our CEIAG Policy by clicking on the button below.
Our careers programme by year group
Our Careers Programme ensures Honley students have a bright future ahead of them and the confidence and aspiration to go for it.
Below is an outline of our careers work, an example of the typical programme offered during each academic year at Honley. Events vary year to year, and students will be informed of specific dates and upcoming relevant events.
Transition programme
Before and after joining Honley, we help students make a smooth transition to secondary school without a dip in progress. This includes developing a strong relationship with teachers and their Form Tutor who will guide and encourage them.
iD, iGen and iDays (PSHCE)
The careers section of the curriculum covers self-awareness, challenging gender stereotypes and learning about the labour market. It also encourages students to develop transferable skills such as resilience and communication skills. Annual day in which the normal timetable is suspended to make way for special activities. Some of the activities include a careers and skills focus, and are helped by many external professionals.
Careers Weeks
Three careers weeks through the year give students chance to hear from role models from different professions and learn about the options available to them.
Subject areas
Departments around school involve many careers-related opportunities within lessons and extracurricular clubs. These include lesson content, school trips, subject displays, and meeting guest professionals or alumni in school.
Careers advice and guidance
Students can access information and guidance through C+K Careers in our Library, including booking an appointment with Mrs Hesslegrove our Careers Adviser. Parents and carers can also contact Mrs Hesslegrove.
High Aspirations
We identify a small group of students who would benefit from additional careers support, focussed on raising aspirations. This includes 'The Buzz' test, a motivational group session and individual interviews.
Careers Weeks
Three careers weeks through the year give students chance to hear from role models from different professions and learn about the options available to them.
iGen and iDays (PSHCE)
The careers section of the curriculum covers self-awareness, challenging gender stereotypes and learning about the labour market. It also encourages students to develop transferable skills such as resilience and communication skills. Annual day in which the normal timetable is suspended to make way for special activities. Some of the activities include a careers and skills focus, and are helped by many external professionals.
Subject areas
Departments around school involve many careers-related opportunities within lessons and extracurricular clubs. These include lesson content, school trips, subject displays, and meeting guest professionals or alumni in school.
Careers advice and guidance
Students can access information and guidance through C+K Careers in our Library, including booking an appointment with an advisor. It is also possible for parents / carers to book an appointment to discuss GCSE options, career options etc.
Students choose their Key Stage 4 subject options in Year 9. There is lots of guidance to help make this choice, including a taster day, and guidance in the careers and life relevance of their choices. Students with SEND get additional individual support. C+K are present for the Year 9 Options Evening.
Students have access to the C+K MYDirections website.
Careers Weeks
Three careers weeks through the year give students chance to hear from role models from different professions and learn about the options available to them.
iGen and iDays (PHSCE)
The careers section of the curriculum covers self-awareness, challenging gender stereotypes and learning about the labour market. It also encourages students to develop transferable skills such as resilience and communication skills. Annual day in which the normal timetable is suspended to make way for special activities. Some of the activities include a careers and skills focus, and are helped by many external professionals.
Subject areas
Departments around school involve many careers-related opportunities within lessons and extracurricular clubs. These include lesson content, school trips, subject displays, enterprise competitions and meeting guest professionals or alumni in school.
Careers advice and guidance
Students can access information and guidance through C+K Careers in our Library, including booking an appointment with an advisor.
Life After Year 11
Presentations and a questionnaire help all students to understanding the range of post 16 opportunities (we call these MyPlans). 1:1 and/or group guidance sessions support students to explore which options are right for them. All students are able to access extra support where required.
Be Inspired
We work with a targeted group of high-achieving students and their families for group sessions to give them the support and encouragement to aim high.
Careers Weeks
Three careers weeks through the year give students chance to hear from role models from different professions and learn about the options available to them.
iGen and iDays (PHSCE)
The careers section of the curriculum covers self-awareness, challenging gender stereotypes and learning about the labour market. It also encourages students to develop transferable skills such as resilience and communication skills. Annual day in which the normal timetable is suspended to make way for special activities. Some of the activities include a careers and skills focus, and are helped by many external professionals.
Subject areas
Departments around school involve many careers-related opportunities within lessons and extracurricular clubs. These include lesson content, school trips, subject displays, enterprise competitions and meeting guest professionals or alumni in school.
Careers advice and guidance
Students can access information and guidance through C&K Careers in our Library, including booking an appointment with an adviser. It is also possible for parents / carers to book an appointment. In the summer term, some Year 10 students are offered 1:1 careers appointments to discuss their ideas and prepare them for the decisions they will be making in Year 11. Students can request a careers appointment in the library.
Get Organised
All students have access to C+K website called MyDirections. Information on Post 16 options in the area is given to every student, through the online brochure 'Get Organised'and assembly, and in form time. Students and parents are invited to the Get Organised event at the Shay Stadium in October. Open events and taster sessions at local colleges and apprenticeship providers are also promoted to students. Information for students regarding 'Foundation Learning' is provided on the website.
Get Ahead
The 'Get Ahead' booklet on Post 16 foundation learning is provided for students working at Level 1 and below. Students with SEND and their parents/carers are given tailored guidance in their choices with the support of our SEND team and careers advisors.
Careers Weeks
Three careers weeks through the year give students chance to hear from role models from different professions and learn about the options available to them.
Subject areas
Departments around school involve many careers-related opportunities within lessons and extracurricular clubs. These include lesson content, school trips, subject displays, enterprise competitions and meeting guest professionals or alumni in school.
iDays (PHSCE)
The careers section of the curriculum covers self-awareness, challenging gender stereotypes and learning about the labour market. It also encourages students to develop transferable skills such as resilience and communication skills. Annual day in which the normal timetable is suspended to make way for special activities. Some of the activities include a careers and skills focus, and are helped by many external professionals.
Careers Advice and Guidance
Year 11 students all have interviews to discuss their post-16 options. Support is available with preparing for applications and interviews, and making alternative plans if they are unsuccessful. Any students who are interested in apprenticeships are given extra support with application forms, CV writing workshops and back-up plans. Students can arrange mock interviews if they would like to practice before the real thing. To ensure all students finish Year 11 with a positive offer of learning post-16, we work closely with students who may be at risk of dropping out (RONI). Students can access information and guidance through C+K Careers in our Library, including booking an appointment with an adviser, Mrs Hesselgrove. It is also possible for parents / carers to book an appointment.
GCSE Results Day
Mrs Hesslegrove, Careers Adviser, is available on Results Day in August and in the following weeks to offer advice to those who do not get the required grades for their preferred course and to support them to a positive 'plan b' destination.
Building skills for the future, in and outside of lessons.
Construction lesson. Sign language club.
Career Development Framework
'Career' describes our journey through life, learning and work. We encourage our students to actively to develop their skills to give them the best opportunities for their future. Career development focuses on learning transferrable skills, as well as gaining knowledge and the developing the right attitude.
Career Development Institute has created a useful guide for career development for each key stage, you can find it by visiting their website below.
A key aspect of our CEAIG programme is to enable students to make suitable GCSE and post-16 choices and to start them on the best path for their future education and employment.
Honley High School students invariably leave school and commence on a variety of different courses at our local and out-of-area colleges and sixth forms, secure an apprenticeship or a place on a traineeship scheme.
Job trends or Labour Market Information (LMI) helps students understand the employment landscape in our local area. This assists career planning, supports decisions about future study and training options, and provides helpful information when changing jobs. To find out more, visit the Future Goals website.
The latest list of Sixth Form and College Events is available as a PDF below and can also be found on the MyDirections website.
Please remember to check dates and times with the post-16 providers and book in advance where required.
Ever wondered what an engineer does? Could you see yourself exploring outer space, protecting the environment, designing apps or developing cures for diseases? Engineers do all this, and more!
Take the Tomorrows Engineers Meet the Future You Careers Quiz
Considering University or perhaps you’ve never thought it would be for you?
You don’t have to be in Year 12 or 13 to find out what courses are available and to gain an insight into life at uni. Visit the Open Days website to search by location, subject or university and to view their calendar of events.