School Day
Good attendance is essential for students to achieve their full potential. All students are expected to arrive at school on time for a prompt start at 8.35am for morning registration or their year group assembly. Students all have five lessons, with a 20 minute morning break and a 35 minute lunchtime. The compulsory school day runs from 8.35am until 2.50pm
Lessons finish at 2.50pm and any after-school clubs are finished by 3.50pm. There is a late bus at 4.00pm for students who have attended an after-school activity and have a valid bus pass (K1, K2, K4, K5, K6 or K7). Occasionally PE fixtures may run later, and the PE department will inform students if this is expected.
To find out more about the school buses visit WY Metro or our website page which covers transport to and from school.
Lost Property
If a student misplaces an item, they can visit Student Services during their break to see if it has been handed in. We strongly encourage all items to be labelled as this will help us to return any items to their rightful owner. Student Services is open every day from 8.25am to 3.15pm and Reception is open from 8.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Thursday and 8.00am to 4.00pm on a Friday.
Items are kept in Lost Property for two weeks; after this time, they are donated to Uniform Exchange, local charity shops or to our PE department for spares.