What is Sparx?
Sparx is a platform for students to complete their Maths homework only. Sparx allows our teachers to set tailored practice homework and we use this to include repetition and interleaving of learning, as this supports a change in students’ long term memories. The platform provides personalised tasks set at the correct level of challenge, based on a student’s ability to answer previous questions. For this reason, it is vital that students answer the questions themselves, although support is always welcome.
To hear more about Sparx and what is expected of students, please watch the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt5JCjgiMsc .
Accessing Sparx
Access Sparx at www.sparxmaths.com or download the app.
Students will first need to enter the name of our school and then log in by selecting the ‘Log in to Sparx using Microsoft’ option, using their school email address: username@honley.tlt.school, and their usual school password.