Each student follows a curriculum pathway appropriate to their areas of need, and we provide a bespoke curriculum plan for each student. Although the majority of our students follow the main school personal development curriculum, the activities and accreditations followed in the ARP widen this offer to provide an enhanced personal development curriculum.
Our ARP curriculum is developed around the four key areas of knowledge and skills that our students require to develop their understanding of themselves and the world and to increase their independence.
This flexible overview supports our bespoke planning for individual student needs as identified through our assessment cycle.
Most students in ARP attend form in mainstream school
Most students attend the majority of their lessons in the mainstream school with support
Students are assigned support according to their needs, with the aim of reducing the support as students learn more about themselves and how to manage their environments effectively
Some students are withdrawn from Citizenship, RE and or language lessons to gain time in the ARP to develop skills in four core areas
Students are encouraged to get involved and attend the mainstream school extra-curricular/enrichment offer
Students are also encourage to attend school trips and our end of year ARP celebration trip
The four core areas and the topics they may include:
Social Use of Language Programme (SULP) Curriculum
Modules linked to students’ understanding and use of socially acceptable language and behaviours.
Additional Tailored Topics
Talkabout for Children
Talkabout for Teens
Talkabout Relationships
Consideration, Respect and Tolerance
Coping Skills
Culture and Prejudice
On-going awareness, knowledge, understanding and use of :
Zones of Regulation
Emotional Awareness
Emotional Understanding
Emotional Self-control
Sensory Diet
De-escalation, calming and relaxation opportunities and training to facilitate learning and concentration throughout the school day.
AQA Units or tailored topics to provide accreditation and/or self-esteem for developing skills in daily living.
Possible AQA Unit Areas
Autism Awareness
Study Skills
Food and Hygiene
Health and Hygiene
Life Skills
Additional Tailored Topics
Personal Safety
Basic Cookery
Personal Hygiene
Bus Travel
Anger Management
Work Experience – Y10
Study Skills – Y9
Accessing the Community
Understanding Money
First Aid
Transition (Y6-Y7)
Moving On (Y11)
Sex & Relationships Education
As directed by EHCP, IEP and/or individual student, their parents or staff observation/ request.
May often be linked to:
Literacy Skills
Numeracy Skills
Additional needs such as Dyspraxia of Dyslexia
Study Skills
Speech and Language Development
Our ARP teachers determine topics following baseline and continual assessments in the four key areas via a range of means. Specific core areas may be prioritised depending on a student's individual needs.
Students may revisit topics during their time in the ARP to cover them in more depth or 'over-learn' essential skills to support generalisation.
In Key Stage 4, students may also study the BTEC Level 2 in Personal Growth and Wellbeing to develop and accredit their skills.