Our fantastic students have once again achieved some amazing results this year; their hard work and dedication has paid off and we can’t wait to celebrate with them, on Results Day and again at our Graduation Evening in December! We are extremely proud of all our students and wish them the very best of luck for their next steps.

Some headlines for this year:

Average GCSE grade (all students, all subjects): 5.1

Maths:          Grade 4+ 81.7%              Grade 5+ 71.2%

English:        Grade 4+ 81.7%              Grade 5+ 72.4%

63% of our students have achieved grade 5 or above in both English AND Maths. This is a massive achievement (not to mention life changing)! It’s also a huge increase on last year’s figure of 47%. Wow, celebrations in order!

64% of our students have achieved grade 5 and above in 2 or more Science GCSEs.

Students at our school have performed significantly better than at other schools across the country. This includes above average results in 18 different subjects, and exceptional performance in:

Combined Science +0.6

Computer Science +1.5

Construction +0.5

Design Technology (Resistant Materials) +0.9

Food and Nutrition +0.7

History +0.5

PE +0.7

Photography +0.9

Physics +0.5

Spanish +0.4


(Values above show our average grade in comparison to an average national ‘score’ of 0, so for example a score of +0.5 means students have performed on average half a grade better than in other schools)

Individual Success

Amongst all of our successes, we have a number of students who have achieved results that really stand out.

These students have an average grade of 8 or above!

Sam Knight, Alfie Lee, Anayat Yaseen, Alfie Hyde, Elijah Bridgstock, Pheobe Stocks, Diana Zakharchenko, Sophie Mayes, Hannah James, Emily Bradley, Evie Newton, Ayman Yaseen

These students have achieved grades that are, on average, at least 2 grades above their targets!

Anayat Yaseen, Ellyssa Parkin, Elijah Bridgstock, Emily Bradley, Isla Ellison, Alec Waddington, Sam Knight, Ellen Dyer, Morgan Harrison, Morgan Bullock.

If any students would like to speak to someone about their future options, please contact Mrs Hesselgrove, our Careeers Adviser at


Cadet Summer Camp 2024