
Peter Lyster - Chair of Governors

How long have you been in this role?

It is my privilege to have been Chair of the Governing Body since September 2019, and a Governor since 2007.

What motivates you to be a Governor at Honley High School?

I have always been motivated by the simple hope that I can help our School in any way that I can.

What interests/hobbies do you have?

I am trying to get fitter and do a lot of walking. I love rugby union (England) and football (Spurs). I like listening to classical and dad-rock music. I like watching films and reading.

What have been your highlights so far this academic year?

It has to be the fantastic enthusiastic response of our teachers, teaching assistants and non-teaching staff to the extraordinary circumstances that we all find ourselves in, but which they have to work through. I am so proud of their positive attitude and fortitude!

What are you looking forward to next year?

Something closer to normality. I hope we can all meet and talk and laugh and smile again.

Further comments

I would like to thank all our Governors - past and present - for the hard work and enthusiasm they bring to the role. If you are reading this and would like to help our school, please get in touch.